
Muay Thai

Hi Guys,

Something a little different for you with this blog post. With UFC getting more popular every year we’ve notice a big demand in kick drills. Our students are now asking more about kick-drills, rolling routine and choke holds. We’ll expand more on the last two in future posts but for now we thought we’d start with some simple kick drills.

We recently had a visit from an old coach, Paul Windsor. He was back in the UK for a short time visiting, he moved over to Thailand a few years ago and has become a very experience Mauy Thai instructor out there☺While he was down we asked if wouldn’t mind showing us a thing or two on kicks. Below is a short training video we put together to offer people some ideas when it comes to UFC-type training. Here’s the breakdown of Paul’s workout:

🔹Stretching (lower body focused)

🔹Skipping x 5mins

🔹Roundhouse Kicks x 50 (each side)

🔹Front Kicks x 100

🔹Alternating Knees x 200

🔹Spinning Back Kicks x 50

🔹Tornado Kicks x 50

Try adding this into your workout for some difference and also to get that heart rate pumping!!!🔥🙌🏼🤙🏼